今天有一个业务需求,需要进行数据恢复操作,需要恢复到2021-07-11 15:21:00,大家应该都了解,这种基于时间点的恢复,首先通过物理备份将mysql全量恢复到异机中,然后再进行增量恢复binlog,从而实现基于时间点的恢复;
登录到恢复实例上看一下目前的应用状态,查看到线程目前一直处于Waiting for GTID to be committed的状态,从该状态看,是在等待GTID提交,GTID为548723ca-1f7f-11e9-b3ab-005056b748c5:1655852015
mysql>show processlist; +----+-----------+-----------------+------+---------+--------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Rows_sent | Rows_examined | +----+-----------+-----------------+------+---------+--------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | 6 | dba_admin | | NULL | Sleep | 218132 | | NULL | 0 | 0 | | 16 | dba_admin | | NULL | Query | 218078 | Waiting for GTID to be committed | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= '548723ca-1f7f-11e9-b3ab-005056b748c5:1655852015' | 0 | 0 | | 17 | dba_admin | | NULL | Query | 0 | starting | show processlist | 0 | 0 | +----+-----------+-----------------+------+---------+--------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
1、首先检查恢复机资源使用情况,特别是IO,经过查看 ,发现恢复机的负载非常的低,资源非常的空闲,所以应该不是资源繁忙导致的
$ mysqlbinlog mysqlbin.002032 | grep "GTID$(printf '\t')last_committed" -B 1 | grep -E '^# at' | awk '{print $3}'| awk 'NR==1 {tmp=$1} NR>1 {print ($1-tmp);tmp=$1}'| sort -n -r | head -n 10 mysqlbinlog: [Warning] unknown variable 'loose-default-character-set=utf8' 203995532 518143 518103 518055 518045 518043 518037 518035 518033 518023
3、 接下来根据长时间运行线程状态提供的GTID的信息,解析下binlog文件查看下卡主的GTID事务具体在执行什么操作?
# at 156880949 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156881014 CRC32 0x9c02b320 GTID last_committed=127167 sequence_number=127168 SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= '548723ca-1f7f-11e9-b3ab-005056b748c5:1655852015'/*!*/; # at 156881014 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156881077 CRC32 0xf27b8fdc Query thread_id=55553520 exec_time=54 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1625940005/*!*/; BEGIN /*!*/; # at 156881077 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156881203 CRC32 0xf297d5f2 Rows_query # delete from tabname where create_time <= date_sub(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, interval 24 hour) # at 156881203 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156881301 CRC32 0xa101984d Table_map: `test_db`.`tabname` mapped to number 110 # at 156881301 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156889457 CRC32 0xbe518068 Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156889457 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156897608 CRC32 0x54e957f0 Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156897608 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156905781 CRC32 0x8d2612ad Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156905781 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156913928 CRC32 0xb15a94ea Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156913928 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156922097 CRC32 0x6393fa7c Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156922097 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156930266 CRC32 0x2b3d1fda Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156930266 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156938414 CRC32 0x78874052 Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156938414 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156946567 CRC32 0xb67779fe Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156946567 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156954729 CRC32 0x0c0f8899 Delete_rows: table id 110 # at 156954729 #210711 2:00:05 server id 255 end_log_pos 156962870 CRC32 0x5f79436d Delete_rows: table id 110
从解析后的binlog可以发现,是一个delete操作, delete from tabname where create_time <= date_sub(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, interval 24 hour),该SQL删除24小时之前的所有数据,而该操作正是那个200M的事务,到这里就知道了具体的原因,那么该问题该如何解决呢?