假设这么一个情况,你是某公司mysql DBA,某日突然公司数据库中的所有被人为删了。尽管有数据备份,但是因服务停止而造成的损失上千万,现在公司需要查出那个做删除操作的人。
1、MySQL Enterprise Audit Plugin – This plugin is not open source and is only available with MySQL Enterprise, which has a significant cost attached to it. It is the most stable and robust.
2、Percona Audit Log Plugin – Percona provides an open source auditing solution that installs with Percona Server 5.5.37+ and 5.6.17+. This plugin has quite a few output features as it outputs XML, JSON and to syslog. Percona’s implementation is the first to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL Enterprise Audit Plugin. As it has some internal hooks to the server to be feature-compatible with Oracle’s plugin, it is not available as a standalone for other versions of MySQL. This plugin is actively maintained by Percona.
3、McAfee MySQL Audit Plugin – Around the longest and has been used widely. It is open source and robust, while not using the official auditing API. It isn’t updated as often as one may like. There hasn’t been any new features in some time. It was recently updated to support MySQL 5.7
[root@VM_35_215_centos wjq-software]# unzip audit-plugin-mysql-5.7-1.1.6-784-linux-x86_64.zip [root@VM_35_215_centos wjq-software]# cd audit-plugin-mysql-5.7-1.1.6-784/lib
root@localhost [wjqtest]>show variables like 'plugin_dir'; +---------------+------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+------------------------------+ | plugin_dir | /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/ | +---------------+------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
[root@VM_35_215_centos lib]# cp libaudit_plugin.so /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/ [root@VM_35_215_centos lib]# ll /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/libaudit_plugin.so -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1535547 Oct 22 23:22 /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/libaudit_plugin.so
root@localhost [wjqtest]>install plugin AUDIT soname 'libaudit_plugin.so'; root@localhost [wjqtest]>install plugin AUDIT soname 'libaudit_plugin.so';
root@localhost [wjqtest]>show plugins;
root@localhost [wjqtest]>show global status like '%audit%'; +------------------------+-----------+ | Variable_name | Value | +------------------------+-----------+ | Audit_protocol_version | 1.0 | | Audit_version | 1.1.6-784 | +------------------------+-----------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) root@localhost [wjqtest]>show variables like "%audit_json_file%"; +-------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+-------+ | audit_json_file | OFF | | audit_json_file_bufsize | 1 | | audit_json_file_flush | OFF | | audit_json_file_retry | 60 | | audit_json_file_sync | 0 | +-------------------------+-------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [wjqtest]>set global audit_json_file=1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) root@localhost [wjqtest]>show variables like "%audit_json_file%"; +-------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+-------+ | audit_json_file | ON | | audit_json_file_bufsize | 1 | | audit_json_file_flush | OFF | | audit_json_file_retry | 60 | | audit_json_file_sync | 0 | +-------------------------+-------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [(none)]>SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE ‘%audi%’;可以查看插件有哪些可配置的参数,其中我们需要关注的参数有:1. audit_json_file 是否开启audit功能。2. audit_json_log_file 记录文件的路径和名称信息(默认放在mysql数据目录下)。3. audit_record_cmds audit记录的命令,默认为记录所有命令。可以设置为任意dml、dcl、ddl的组合。如:audit_record_cmds=select,insert,delete,update。还可以在线设置set global audit_record_cmds=NULL。(表示记录所有命令)4. audit_record_objs audit记录操作的对象,默认为记录所有对象,可以用SET GLOBAL audit_record_objs=NULL设置为默认。也可以指定为下面的格式:audit_record_objs=,test.*,mysql.*,information_schema.*。5. audit_whitelist_users 用户白名单。
[root@VM_35_215_centos lib]# cd /data/mysql/mysql_3306/data/ [root@VM_54_118_centos data]# ll mysql-audit.json -rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 5113 Oct 22 23:47 mysql-audit.json
{ "msg-type": "activity", "date": "1540222959299", "thread-id": "1356", "query-id": "0", "user": "root", "priv_user": "root", "ip": "", "host": "", "cmd": "Connect", "query": "Connect" } { "msg-type": "activity", "date": "1540223138021", "thread-id": "573", "query-id": "633108", "user": "root", "priv_user": "root", "ip": "", "host": "localhost", "connect_attrs": { "_os": "linux-glibc2.12", "_client_name": "libmysql", "_pid": "6472", "_client_version": "5.7.19", "_platform": "x86_64", "program_name": "mysql" }, "client_port": "29044", "status": "0", "cmd": "show_variables", "objects": [ { "db": "", "obj_type": "TABLE" }, { "db": "performance_schema", "name": "session_variables", "obj_type": "TABLE" } ], "query": "show variables like '%audit'" } { "msg-type": "activity", "date": "1540223144979", "thread-id": "573", "query-id": "633109", "user": "root", "priv_user": "root", "ip": "", "host": "localhost", "connect_attrs": { "_os": "linux-glibc2.12", "_client_name": "libmysql", "_pid": "6472", "_client_version": "5.7.19", "_platform": "x86_64", "program_name": "mysql" }, "client_port": "29044", "rows": "30", "status": "0", "cmd": "show_variables", "objects": [ { "db": "", "obj_type": "TABLE" }, { "db": "performance_schema", "name": "session_variables", "obj_type": "TABLE" } ], "query": "show variables like '%audit%'" } { "msg-type": "activity", "date": "1540223230669", "thread-id": "573", "query-id": "633110", "user": "root", "priv_user": "root", "ip": "", "host": "localhost", "connect_attrs": { "_os": "linux-glibc2.12", "_client_name": "libmysql", "_pid": "6472", "_client_version": "5.7.19", "_platform": "x86_64", "program_name": "mysql" }, "client_port": "29044", "rows": "1", "status": "0", "cmd": "show_variables", "objects": [ { "db": "", "obj_type": "TABLE" }, { "db": "performance_schema", "name": "session_variables", "obj_type": "TABLE" } ], "query": "show variables like '%audit_record_cmds%'" }
- audit_json_file=on #保证mysql重启后自动启动插件
- plugin-load=AUDIT=libaudit_plugin.so #防止删除了插件,重启后又会加载
- audit_record_cmds=’insert,delete,update,create,drop,alter,grant,truncate’ #要记录哪些命令语句,因为默认记录所有操作;